Digital Marketing – A vaccine for your  business immunity!

Digital Marketing – A vaccine for your business immunity!

Digital Marketing Strategy – A vaccine against COVID19 for your business immunity.

“YouTube brought down the quality of its videos!”
“Instagram and Twitter launch new interactive widgets!”
“18% increase in TicToc downloads in March worldwide!” 

You’ve been reading these headlines right? Every advertising campaign now talks about health. The world is in a turmoil like never before. With over 13,000 new COVID-19 cases arising every day, there are chances that our isolation time and lockdown will extend indefinitely. Marketing strategy experts predict that there will be a loss of over 2.3 Trillion dollars internationally and that the world will be plunged into a grim recession. 

But like a silver lining, there is still a bright side to look at! With quarantine also begins a new golden era of digital visibility and social media marketing. Every cosmopolitan urban individual is cooped-up at home and currently, their only source of productivity, entertainment, information and communication is the internet. 

And as a brand, now is the right time to take advantage of this online hyperactivity with appropriate advertising campaigns. However, 90% of the businesses have failed to recognize this golden opportunity. Most of them have already called their respective digital marketing service agencies and freelancers to tell them that they won’t be requiring their services until further notice. 

They have unfortunately failed to realize the nasty repercussions that are soon to follow brands who fail to opt for digital marketing services in this crucial time, for example:

  • They will lose their customers to new brands that will come up with new business models after the lockdown
  • They will lose their clientele to those brands that are smartly resorting to digital marketing services to stay relevant amongst customers
  • They will struggle to learn and re-learn new marketing challenges for effective marketing strategy when customer priorities change post-lockdown
  • They will struggle to regain the loyalty of clients who have lived without using their brand for long So coming back to how as a brand you can improve your chances of springing back to your feet after the dust settles. You start with a few basics like –
  • Double down your digital marketing efforts
    During a global economic crisis, you will find that there is less competition for your brand. If your focus of playing your cards right and making your business visible on digital platforms, e.g. a PPC campaign or social media marketing, at the right time with the appropriate information, you will be rewarded with quicker and better results. You might even score a deal if you target the right people.
  • Forget selling, focus on seeking
    Heard about that recently iconic and viral Lifebuoy advertising campaign: “Be it us or any other soap, just wash your hands!” They weren’t selling. They were seeking eyeballs. Brands that will successfully device digital marketing strategies like blogs, podcasts, social media activities etc. right now with the sole purpose of staying relevant or visible, will emerge to be winners.
  • Be there for your clients, virtually
    Your customers are as uncertain about getting their supplies and services as you are of providing them. Call them out to ask questions. Ask them about any day-to-day disruptions that might have been the result of you not being there to service or provide for them. Answer these if possible. This dialogue will not only ensure that they remain loyal to you but will also turn them into your biggest resource for insights.
  • Reinforce your digital credibility
    Fortify your SEO efforts and begin creating content that would be useful to your clients in real-time to show up in the rankings. Website interface, Google Business Page, location on the map, online reviews, social media marketing, SEO and PPC make up the backbone of your business now. Keep them alive, buzzing with content that people want to read, useful insights etc. to stay immune to irredeemable damage.

Well, this is just off the top of our heads.

We could help you know more about what you could do to prevent the impending financial doom with our Digital Marketing Services.



Gagan Kukreja

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