Advertise on Instagram: A Marketer’s Guide
Advertise on Instagram: A Marketer’s Guide
Calvin Coolidge had once said, “Advertising is the life of trade”. This holds true even for online business because whether online or not, it’s still a trade! With 800 million users active on Instagram, just imagine how a few advertisements can enhance your business.
Here’s a Marketer’s Guide to Advertising on Instagram:
Influencer Marketing:
This is also known as sponsored posts. You pay a social media influencer (a person who has a large number of followers due to his expertise on the subject or fame) to promote your products or services on Instagram. Influencer marketing adds a bit of celebrity element, testimonial appeal and credibility to your business but the reach can be limited. This is where direct Instagram ads come in handy.
Direct Instagram Ads:
Photo Advertisements:
In a fast-paced world, where people are only eager to scroll to the next post, a single image ad with a single powerful line can work wonders. After all, “a picture speaks a thousand words.” You can upload up to six photo advertisements in a single post, allowing you to accommodate a lengthy copy. The best part is that you can insert a call-to-action option at the bottom of the pic.
Video Advertisements:
When attractive visuals are accompanied by audio and motion, your ad becomes more dramatic and arresting. Keeping in mind the ‘instant’ aspect of Instagram, you are allowed to upload crisp video ads that last up to a minute. The shorter your vid, the stronger your message. You can also customize the video’s thumbnail. Apart from inserting a call-to-action button, even the URL of your website can be added.
Carousel Advertisements:
Instagram allows you to upload at max ten pictures or videos in a single carousel advertisement – an ad where the images or videos can be seen one-at-a-time by swiping them. Such a manual slide show allows you to make creative ads that are based on the principle of continuity or when you deal with multiple products.
Stories Advertisements:
These play automatically, in between, when users are viewing the stories of the ones they follow. Thus, your audience is literally brought to view these advertisements. They are perfect to create a buzz overnight about special or limited discounts or deals as they last only for 24 hours. Despite the image(s) lasting only for a few seconds, a call-to-action button can still be applied and these ads appear on full-screen.
Canvas Story Advertisements:
This is mainly a mobile-screen friendly ad-format that allows you to insert photos, videos and multimedia elements. It helps creates a mini-window (canvas) in relation to your business on the screen in such a way that the viewer can watch your ad in detail on full screen without leaving his/ her current Instagram feed.
These simple methods of advertisement on Instagram can increase your followers, brand awareness, lead generation and conversions instantly. No wonder Bill Gates had predicted, “The future of advertising is the internet.”
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